Product Code: 80-36-007

Replaces OEM
Ariens: 21548100, 21550800
Bad Boy: 063-2004-00, 063-4025-00, 063-8018-00
Bobcat: 2722463, 416-4153, 416-4537
Briggs & Stratton: 4049, 4049H, 4154, 492056, 492932, 492932B, 492932S, 5049, 5049H, 5049K, 5076, 695396, 696854, 795890, 842921
Craftsman: 24603, 33935
E-Z-GO: 492932S
Ferris: 5102278X1, 795890
Grasshopper: 100803
Gravely: 21551600
Husqvarna: 531307043, 531307389
Hustler: 602581
Jacobsen: 4929325
John Deere: AM119567, AM125424, GY20577, LG 4153, LG4153, LG492932S
Kawasaki: 49065-2076, 49065-2077, 49065-7002, 49065-7007
Kohler: 28 050 01-S
Land Pride: 831-053C
MTD: 951-12690, 751-11501, 751-12690, 95111501
Tecumseh: 36563
Toro: 107-7817
Stens: 120-485
Rotary: 6929


Briggs & Stratton: Vanguard engines small version filter; pressure lubrication engines
E-Z-GO: ST480
Gravely: XL Series
John Deere: F620, F680, F687, M653, M655, M665, Z245, Z425, Z510A, Z520A, Z910A and Z920A Z Trak mowers and lawn tractors, 1200 Hydro Rake and 800 Aercore Aerator
Kawasaki: FB460V, FC420V, FC540V, FD501D, FD590V, FR651V, FR691V, FR730V, FX481V, FX541V, FX600V, FX651V, FX691V and FX730V
Kohler: CH18-CH25 and CV18-CV25; for 18 thru 25 HP engines
Liebherr: Loader L507 with Deutz BF4L1011FT engines
Tecumseh: OHV130, OHV135, OHV150, OHV155, OHV165, OHV175, OHV180, TVT691, OV and VTX
Terramite: Roller Paver with Briggs & Stratton Vangaurd engines and T5C loader with Briggs & Stratton 18 HP IC
Toro: Units with Kawasaki FB460V, FC420V, FC540V, FD501D, FD590V, FR651V, FR691V, FR730V, FX481V, FX541V, FX600V, FX651V, FX691V and FX730V engines; Kohler CH18-CH25 and CV18-CV25; for 18 thru 25 HP engines; most gas Greensmaster Triplexes

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